Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fun Times!

A WHIRLWIND! February and March gone. April taking off like Harlo off the leash in a open field. It all started with us deciding to possibly move. Now, we've done it. In two weeks, we will relocate to a home in Hillsboro, placing us closer to Lane's school, friends, and activities. (Not to mention my work and other more urban activities.)
While all that has been in the making, we have had some great times. Spring break brought Jan and Bill here from Billings, in which we shopped, ate some great meals, spent time at the park, had lunch will Fred and Ingrid in Eugene, and just played. It was another fantastic visit!
Then two days back to school, three days at Outdoor School on the Oregon Coast. I was so lucky to be able to chaperone the trip with Lane's 6th grade class. Sponsored by Portland Metro, a huge focus was the environment--composting, protecting rivers and streams, reducing landfill waste (which is mostly comprised of trash and food scraps, scraps that can be reduced by better planning of meals and proper composting). The kids were hiking, building streams, testing water, making compost, etc. Needless to say, I think we all learned a great deal.
The climax, Easter. Celebrating this season with my family is always great. The Easter Bunny did visit again this year, and then we attended Mass and brunch in celebration of the special day.
The next time I blog we will be residents of a new city. (Please be expecting an address update card arriving soon in the mail.)

Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

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