Sunday, January 2, 2011

Farewell 2010!

2010--could be best compared to a carnival. The anticipation, the excitement of rides, feeling excited by the stimulation many lights, activities, and people, the exhaustion at the end, and the expense of making sure everyone is cared for and having a great time!

The two weeks educators (and students) know as Winter Vacation were celebrated to the fullest! It began with a basketball tournament and then a winter wonderland drive to Montana. We decided to drive this time--Matt and I are still at odds about which method of transportation is best in December.

Nonetheless, we enjoyed every minute of it! The snow covered mountains and roads were beautiful! Then, as usual, time spent in Billings is always fun!

All the kids together, it was nonstop play and discovery. Kids had new toys and activities, and the adults enjoyed watching and helping. Jan and Bill always shared their love with amazing meals and treats. We are treated so well when we are there.

Our final night we played the fun game "Would you Rather..." that kept us laughing and discussing. (Here Lane chose to wear make-up on his face for the remainder of the game.) I had a wonderful slow dance with a mop as well, which was a new experience.

The cousins together in their lovely Christmas attire.

Lane hitting the sledding slopes catching some air!

We spent a day with Grandpa Jack before Christmas. It's always wonderful to see him but never a long enough visit. Grandpa turns 90 on January 3--HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANDPA JACK! We will see him again this summer.

Kendra and Lane enjoyed some play in the snow each evening to burn off some energy.
Ashlyn, Morgan, and Kendra playing and hanging together.

The year came to a close with a fun time at the Maffia house. Our kids danced, ate, and had a great time!

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